Event Bridge is Done For You!

OK you now know why you need to Eventbrite to Salesforce.

It comes to the how?

What you get with other services

With other services, connecting up to Eventbrite and Salesforce is only part of the journey. You have the data flowing from Eventbrite, but where does it go in Salesforce? That is all left up to you. You get to choose exactly which fields match up with where.

Well, it is all left up to you and your developers.

We know that developers love to charge by the hour. They deliver a great solution… but it is still in beta testing.

You build up confidence to apply it to your live system and suddenly your database doubles in size. Every last record in your Salesforce database has been duplicated, and there is some extra rubbish in their just for fun. People have put in fake job titles, use their spouse’s or secretary’s or cat’s email… and suddenly you have lots and lots more data.

All rubbish!

Big headache and suddenly your investment seems to be costing you more than it should. Rising development costs, testing the system is causing lots of bad data in your Salesforce database, suddenly it seems like a good idea to going back to doing it manually.

That way you can manually export the data, manually import the data and then clean it up at your own pace.

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What you get with Event Bridge

Instead, image a service where all that testing has been done for you.

The matching of data respects up to four email addresses per contact.

If husband and wife and secretary and cat share an email address, it still works… as long as they have different names.

If people type in stupid job titles, it will filter them out. (It has a great list, which can be added to as people get more creative.)

In short, it is ‘Done for You’.

Better still, you can be up and running in a couple of hours. In other words, it will take less time than that last manual data import and cleanup. It will keep working tirelessly for you, so you don’t have to. Event management is a 24×7 job. Let Event Bridge take away some of that workload.

The final objection may be that you use multiple Eventbrite accounts. No fear, we have even developed it to work with multiple accounts right out of the box.

So you can get on with planning your next event, knowing that Event Bridge is looking after this one.

Peace Reigns

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